General details

Please provide all your details below. Copy them carefully from your passport. You have to apply for a visa on behalf of all travelers (including children listed in their parents' passport). You can do this within the same application by clicking on '+ traveler". You only need to fill out the general details once (all visa documents will be sent to the same address). It is not required for all travelers to be living on the same address, the address is only used to deliver the visas via regular mail if you opt to use this.

Fill in you planned arrival date
Please provide your email address where you wish to receive your visa. Review it carefully.


Fill in the address of one of the travelers. The travelers do not have to be living at this address together.

Order details

Enter the country from which you will depart on your trip to Egypt. This is the country where you take the first flight. In most cases this will also be the Netherlands. In addition, you must indicate how often you wish to enter Egypt. You have the choice between one trip or multiple trips.



Enter the details of your tour operator below. This is the agent that carries out your journey. If necessary, ask your travel agent for the details of the tour operator, if you do not have one.

Traveler 1

Fill out the traveler's general details below. For help, click the "i" icon or the label/field. Please pay special attention to the fields "first given name" and "family name".

You have to enter your first name exactly as stated in the passport. If your passport contains more first names, then write all of them down.
You must fill in your surname exactly as stated in the passport. Women only enter their maiden name, not the married name.
Fill in the date of birth as stated in you passport

Alternate nationality

Please indicate below if you have an official alternative nationality. If this is the case, select this nationality from the list.

Please indicate below if you have an official alternative nationality. If this is the case, select this nationality from the list.

Documentation details

Enter the information of your travel document below. If you can choose between an ID card or passport below, it may be one of both documents. If you do not have the choice to choose, then you must must travel with your passport. For the Dutch, the passport number is 9 characters long and starts with the letter N, B or D. For Belgians the travel pass number is eight characters long. It has the form: XX999999 (two letters, six digits). The number of the Belgian identity card consists of numbers (xxx-xxxxxxx-xx).

Fill the document number, as stated in your document. You can find the document number on the right top side. For Dutch passports the passport number is nine characters long and starts with the letter (N,B,A,D). The Dutch passport number contains both numbers and letters. For Belgium passports the passport number is eight characters long. It has the following form: XX999999 (two letters, six digits).
If you want, you can upload this document later. You can then just leave this field empty right now.

Last visit Egypt

Please indicate below if you have previously visited Egypt. If you have visited Egypt before, you must also enter the dates and address of your last visit.

Please indicate below if you have previously visited Egypt. If you have visited Egypt before, you must also enter the dates and address of your last visit.


Fill out the details below regarding your work or profession. If you are a student or a housewife/man, you should select this here and then enter the details of your father's or partner's employment details.


Please indicate below if you have ever been denied access to Egypt.